BEN & JERRY'S, LGBTQIA+ carnival, workshop
Consultoria em diversidade realizada pela Pajubá, Diversidade em Rede, para a Ben & Jerry's. A marca foi patrocinadora do LoveFest 2017, bloco LGBT no Carnaval de São Paulo, e procurou a Pajubá para entender as relações da comunidade LGBT com o Carnaval. Fev/2107.

I provided consultancy on diversity for Ben&Jerry's in 2017. That year, Ben&Jerry’s sponsored LoveFest, an LGBT festival/party within the São Paulo Carnival festivities. In order to better understand the potentialities for the partnership, the brand hired PAJUBÁ for consultancy work on the relation between the LGBT community and the Carnival festivities. (Feb/2017, São Paulo)
//// Scope of work
1) CIRCLE OF LIFE EXPERIENCES with the theme: “LGBT CARNIVAL: problems and strengths”. The Circle of Life Experiences is a methodology created by PAJUBÁ for intersectional debates with a diverse cross-section of participants and a focus on the personal and affective experiences that people have with the subject. For this Circle of Experiences, me and consultant Ariel Nobre invited Regiane Soares, black feminist and cultural agitator from the Parelheiros neighborhood of São Paulo, Lua Lucas, actor, cultural producer and trans woman, Tchaka, Rainha das Festa, drag queen and official MC of the São Paulo LGBT Pride Parade. B&J brought Otávio Bonfá from Casa 1, an LGBT housing organization and cultural center, to the conversation. On the day of the event, all profits from sales of B&J’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream were donated to Casa 1.
This Circle of Experiences took place at the Ben & Jerry's store in Oscar Freire Street, in São Paulo, one of the most exclusive addresses in the city, symbolically occupied by queer bodies.
2) LGBT CARNIVAL REPORT: after the debate, we prepared a report with the context of the initiative, key findings on the relation between Carnival and the LGBT community, an explanation of the methodology of the event, an introduction to each guest, and a summary of their speeches in the debate.