FLAGCX, culture & comm, creative direction
Durante três anos, de 2012 a 2015, eu liderei o planejamento da cultura interna e as comunicações interna e externa da FLAGCX, grupo de empresas de comunicação e tecnologia. Eu trabalhava no CLAN, núcleo de cultura e educação da FLAGCX, liderado pela CEO e co-fundadora da FLAGCX Luisa Martini.

I was the leader of both internal culture and communications and also external communications for 3 years at FLAGCX, a group of communication, creation and technology companies, with (at the time) presence in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro & Porto Alegre. I worked for CLAN -- the culture, education, and human development unit at FLAGCX led by CEO and co-founder Luisa Martini. (2012-2015, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro & Porto Alegre)
My activities during this period were:
1) CULTURE DEPUTY: creating, planning and executing the Culture Plan of FLAGCX and of each of the 10+ companies in the group. This included the creation of core values and planning of internal initiatives that reflect those values: parties, hackathons, events, artistic presentations, workshops, channels for communication and exchange of knowledge, etc..
2) INTERNAL COMMUNICATION LEADER: I was the channel between FLAGCX and its employees, wrote all the general and specific company communications, in addition to general documents, such as company guidelines. In the context of the communication agencies in São Paulo, this was pioneer work for the construction of a more affective, authentic, spontaneous and fun “corporate language”.
3) PUBLIC/PRESS RELATIONS LEADER: I was also responsible for coordinating FLAGCX’s PR, both the strategies for communicating to the press about the projects developed by the companies in the group, and for the communication between FLAGCX and the press and influencers. For part of the time, PR agency Giusti was our partner. Some of the main projects I worked as PR leader include Mesa&Cadeira com Kobe Bryant, Google Color+City, AXE Romeo Reboot, Hellmann's Whatscook etc.
4) BRAND POSITIONING: in partnership with Luisa Martini, Roberto Martini and planners Keid Sammour and Elisa Gijsen, I helped build and contextualize FLAGCX’s tone and positioning both internally and in the market.
5) SOCIAL MEDIA BRANDING: I also used FLAGCX’s fanpage as a company blog, in which posts served as articles or short essays about FLAGCX’s projects, justified and contextualized with the phenomena and paradigms of our time. Some of the posts I like are here and here.