ECOAR INDÍGENA, program for indigenous creators

ECOAR INDÍGENA, program for indigenous content creators
I conceptualized, strategized and executed as creative director a program of talks, workshops and classes to help indigenous micro-influencers in Brazil to leverage their careers as digital content creators. The program was focused on strategic communication, branding, best practices in social media and even classes on finance and business management. (2022 - 2023, Brazil - graduation held at Alto Paraíso, state of Goiás, Brazil)
ECOAR Indígena is a spin-off of ECOAR, a project that I also conceptualized and coordinated (also featured in this portfolio, here), and consisted in a series of 6 online encounters, with themes that ranged from creativity workshops to methods for calculating their own fees to debates about mental health for content creators to lectures about best practices to deal with the social network's algorithms and many more.
I created this project for Diálogo Brasil (DB), a Brazilian initiative for communication that responds to an American environmental organization called CLUA (Climate and Land Use Alliance). DB's main purpose is to use communication strategies to tackle deforestation (especially in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes) and strengthen indigenous rights, voices and cultures in Brazil. ECOAR Indígena was idealized in that sense - to help a group of 20 indigenous micro-influencers grow and amplify their voices. My client and director of the project at DB is the amazing Renata Senlle.
In this first edition of ECOAR Indígena, the group of indigenous “students” came from 19 different indigenous ethnicities: Paiter Suruí, Huni Kuin, Tupinambá, Kayapó, Fulni-ô, Guarani Mbyá, Kaxinawá, Payayá, Kuikuro, Tuxá, Marubo, Borari, Mura, Desana, Karapãna, Xukuru, Pankararu, Pataxó e Aymara (this last one from Bolivia). They live in 9 different states of Brazil and talk about many different subjects - from indigenous activism and culture to performance arts to sports to gastronomy, tourism, music, fashion, etc.
In this project, i had the opportunity to manage a great team: the brilliant Zé na Rede (@zenarede on Instagram), an indigenous digital influencer and speaker, who worked by my side as the articulator, producer and host of the whole project. Also worked with Auá Mendes (@aua___art) who designed this exquisite visual identity. This is one of the most rewarding projects of my entire life so far :)

The seventh encounter of ECOAR Indígena happened in March 2023 and it was in person: we managed to gather almost all of the 20 influencers in a magical place / project called Aldeia Multiétnica, located at Chapada dos Veadeiros, in the heart of Cerrado biome, the Brazilian savannah. Aldeia Multiétnica is been serving as a point of encounter of many indigenous ethnicities in Brazil for the past 16 years, with many different traditional indigenous houses, built by each specific ethnicity that join the annual encounters hosted by the place.
We had the final meeting there as the official graduation of ECOAR Indígena, in which each student graduated the other, in a horizontal perspective, with exchange of certificates and traditional gifts from their people. As a final graduation challenge, they had to create a video (reels format) in duos, to post them using the collaboration feature on Instagram, so one could “invade” the audience of the other.
You can see their final reels here. Also search for #ECOARIndígena on Instagram :)