A REVOLTA DA LÂMPADA, artistic-activist collective
Sou membro do coletivo de a(r)tivismo interseccional A Revolta da Lâmpada, desde sua fundação, em 2014.
A principal luta da RDL é pelo corpo livre e, todo ano, organizamos um protesto/ato festivo e artístico na rua, pela liberdade de todos os corpos: mulheres trans e cis, bichas, sapatonas, bissexuais, negres, gordes, pessoas com deficiência, pessoas vivendo com HIV, refugiades e imigrantes... entre tantos outros corpos dissidentes e/ou oprimidos. Alem do ato anual, a RDL faz várias outras atividades, já tendo realizado oficina de Artivismo no MASP, uma parceria babado de rodas de conversa aos domingos no MAM, a Cicla das 5 (ciclo de debates na FESPSP), performances públicas como o Amazonas do Fervo (veja vídeo), entre outras.
Eu auxilio no coletivo com planejamento, criação de conteúdo, roteiro, criação + estruturação de ações artivistas e produção dos eventos.

I'm a proud member of the artistic and activist collective A Revolta da Lâmpada (Lamp Riot in literal translation) since 2014, as co-founder, concept co-creator, artist, curator, creative writer, producer, communicator and speaker. (2014 - 2022, São Paulo).
The intersectional collective (@arevoltadalampada on Instagram), with queer inspiration, organized, from 2014 to 2020, annual performative marches in a hybrid place between street party, artistic festival and protest.
For every of the five editions we had, I would engage in organizing, conceptualizing the year's theme and curating a line up of dissident artists / activists from many different fields - DJs, singers and musicians, street visual artists, performance artists, dancers, poets/rappers, fashion designers, photographers, videomakers, and speakers. I would also perform as the protest's MC and conceptualize collective performances for the whole parade to join in.
I was involved in everything, from production to curatorship to acting as the MC. Revolta da Lâmpada is rooted in two main ideas:
1) Free bodies! (Corpo Livre!) - it calls for body liberation in an intersectional alliance between people from different oppressed identities within the urban context, from LGBTQIA+, POC, feminist, immigrant, HIV+, indigenous, and many other backgrounds. The name A Revolta da Lâmpada is inspired by an homophobic attack that happened circa-2010, when a group of people was beaten up with fluorescent lamp tubes at the most important avenue of São Paulo. After that, the lamp (ironically) started becoming a symbol of oppression for every body that's not perceived as adequate to the social norms, therefore punishable, de-humanized. We wanted to reclaim the lamp for ourselves, reinforcing dissident bodies as sources of light and freedom.
2) Partying is also protesting! (Fervo também é luta!) - A Revolta da Lâmpada's main happening is an annual performative protest / public party at the streets of São Paulo, serving as a platform for independent artists / activists from diverse backgrounds, such as a street festival or parade.
In 2016, along with the collective, I had the amazing opportunity to work together with MASP (Art Museum of São Paulo) and their team of curators in 2016 to deliver, inside the museum's main exhibition space, an open workshop about STRATEGIC ARTIVISM. For more than two years, we also organized open talks at MAM about many different aspects of body-based discrimination in Brazil, often turning them into performative happenings.
We've had many other activities over the years, like Cicla das 5 (public debates at FESPSP), public performances such as Amazonas do Fervo , etc.
My role inside the collective goes from planning to content, creating and structuring performative/activist ideas, event production, and many more.
Photos: Thiago Dezan, Cleiton de Paula, Elaine Campos, Jal Vieira